Say "Hi" to your business’s new best friend – Pinterest.

Pinterest is one of the newest social networks.
It’s a social media platform where people discover new things and get inspired.
From the latest couch designs to cocktail dresses,
Pinterest has something to offer to audiences in various niches.
More than 250 million people browse Pinterest every month to look for new ideas. Pinterest also drives people to make purchases.
In fact, 83% of weekly pinners admit to making a purchase based on pins they saw from brands. Pinterest is a goldmine for marketers who want to increase their sales and revenue.
Pinterest pins are 100 times more spreadable than a tweet, with the retweet average hitting only 1.4%. And, as for Facebook, the half-life of a pin is 1,6000x longer than a Facebook post.

Since the recent Instagram purchase by Facebook
Pinterest has become the hot ticket item for business marketing.
And that’s for good reason. If an increase of 27% in Pinterest accounts of Fortune 500 companies over the last year (including Exxon Mobile, Wal-Mart, and Apple) isn’t an indication that your business should be joining the 250 million total users, I don’t know what would be.
Aside from feeding obsessions with exotic
Destiny vacations and gourmet food, the real strength of Pinterest is the integrated features of their business accounts.
We have put together all the resources that will show you how to create, claim and optimize your Pinterest account for maximizing your Sales and profits.!

Take advantage of this golden opportunity NOW.
Explore the tools and tips shared in these video tutorials, and see which ones work best for you and your business.