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Never before have companies across the world been
forced to change so radically and drastically than in the past year.
Rather than a flexible option; remote working became a compulsion for everyone across the globe. Balancing Work and life have always been challenging but balancing it with remote working is a next-level challenge.
We’ve seen countless familiar scenarios – meetings are scheduled back-to-back, employees wake up and take 10 minutes to prepare for a conference call, and more. Although this may sound incredibly efficient for work, employees also find that they have no time for lunch, for themselves, and for their families.
A survey found that 69% of employees are experiencing burnout symptoms while working from home.
Stressors, such as long hours and high demands, have caused close to 120,000 deaths a year. They have also caused $190 billion worth of health care costs.
This is 5% to 8% of the total annual health care spending which is derived mainly from workplace pressure ($48 billion), lack of insurance coverage ($40 billion), and difficulty balancing work with family life ($24 billion).
The consequences of such imbalance may be poor satisfaction, mental stress, unproductivity, problematic behavior at work or home, which may affect either work colleagues or family members.
Even if work hours are abridged, without an accompanying reduction in work obligations, the time spent at home may be overshadowed by constant work-related thoughts and pressure.
For some, stressors at work lead to job exhaustion and decreased health, potentially impacting satisfaction in personal relationships.
Chronic stress is associated with a weaker immune response, leading to more minor illnesses, muscle aches, and headaches; they are also at a higher risk of strokes and heart attacks.
Thus, it is essential to create a harmonious work-life balance or work-life integration to not only improve our physical, emotional, and mental well-being, but it's also important for professional life as well.
When thinking about what work-life balance means, most of us envision equalizing a see-saw (with work on one side and the rest of your life on the other side). And we think that we’re supposed to equalize both sides, focusing on the amount of time spent on each side of the see-saw.
That’s why so many so-called solutions revolve around managing your time, adopting productivity hacks (to be more productive with your time), and creating a more flexible work schedule (so that you can spend more time at home – even if working).
There’s just one problem. . . time isn’t the real problem (and you can’t balance your life in the way that the see-saw image suggests). This is why there are so many work-life balance seekers that never manage to find it.
The good news is that you can stop obsessing over time and can banish the see-saw image once and for all.
Hence, to help you get started with the perfect work-life balance in this new normal era, we have created this valuable HD video course.
These videos will help you to discover a lot of powerful and useful information that will finally bring the results you want.
So, what are you thinking?
Take advantage of this golden opportunity Now.
From everything about new normal life balance, its importance, tips and advice to the importance of sports, balance for educators and managing stress and burnouts - We have included every single thing you need or will need to live a healthier & balanced life.
Explore the tips shared in these video tutorials, and see changes you need to adapt.
Must have for maintaining your work-life balance amid pandemic
Vital in developing your coping skills
Effective in helping people boost their productivity and efficiency
Proficient in promoting your mental well-being
Key Component in maintaining your general body fitness
Which is the Introduction video, you will get a detailed explanation of what will be included in the complete training, so that you can have a clear vision of what to expect from it.
You Will Learn About The Importance Of Work-Life Balance Amid COVID-19
You Will Know About The Signs Your Work-Life Balance Is Out Of Whack
You Will Find Out Ways To Improve Work-Life Balance While Working From Home
You Will Learn Tips To Be Productive When Working At Home During COVID-19
You Will Learn About The Ways To Improve Work-Life Balance Of Your Employees
You Will Learn Tips For Managing Stress, Burnout During The COVID-19 Crisis
You Will Learn How To Use Technology To Improve Work-Life Balance Amid Pandemic?
You Will Find Out The Importance Of Sports And Wellness In Achieving Work-Life Balance
You Will Learn About The Ways To Balance Work-Life And Diet
You Will Learn Tips For Working From Home With Kids During COVID-19
You’ll Learn All About Timeboxing 101: Powerful Tool For Amplifying Your Productivity
You Will Learn About Work Vs. Life Balance For Educators During The COVID-19 Crisis
You Will Find Out Top Ways To Redefine Work-Life Balance During The Pandemic
You Will Learn About The New Normal Work-Life Balance Do's And Don'ts
In this high-impact Video Course, we’ll walk you through the exact process of how you can maintain your work-life balance, take control of your mentality so that you can create a more balanced life in this new normal, step by step. And we’ll give you everything you need to get way faster results and avoid mistakes that could cost you time and money!
With our New Normal Life Balance HD Video Training, you get access to use our effective and efficient, tips and techniques which are dead simple and designed to not only help you overcome mind-numbing challenges presented by pandemic but also to make you feel ALIVE again.
Forget about wasting your time with the same reiterated scrap that you’re sick and tired of hearing and seeing. Grab our HD Videos that will actually prepare you for improving your work-life balance in this new normal!
So just use this incredible resource and have a joyful life!
We want you to be totally psyched about our products. If at any time within 30 days of purchasing, you are not 100% satisfied, you may return it to us for a refund. No questions asked.
Don’t Wait... Get Started Today.
Balancing home life with a fast-paced career is often a challenge. However, if you strive to avoid burnout and dream of long-term happiness, learning how to achieve a fulfilling work-life balance is an essential objective.
At present the cost of such valuable information is staggering.
Luckily, you won’t have to spend that much!
Instead, for all the benefits you get from our New Normal Life Balance Training Course, you get to save much, much more than what you’ll pay for.
Just click on the link below… And grab your New Normal Life Balance HD Video Course at the lowest prices.
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Please provide me my personal copy of the "New Normal Life Balance" HD Video Course so that I can start a healthy lifestyle, stay free from these fatal illnesses, and live a long & healthy life.
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Just imagine... In less than a few minutes, you'll be on your way to knowing how to achieve work-life balance during this pandemic and effectively boost your productivity...
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To Your Happiness & Prosperity,
P.S. I highly recommend grabbing this incredible deal before it ends.